3RD JULY PERFORMANCE OF ” A WAKE” IS A SELL-OUT! We are sorry to disappoint you, but within days of releasing tickets for our extra performance of “A WAKE” on 3 July, all tickets were snapped up. As you now know, Lee Flewitt’s award-winning play & the Alderney Theatre Group’s cast of ‘A Wake’ have been selected to perform the play at the NATIONAL DRAMA FESTIVAL in Coventry on 18th July and our biggest challenge is to raise £5,000 to cover the travel and accommodation costs for the 7 members of the cast and the tech support team.Can our friends – our community – the good people of Alderney – help us showcase the wonderful talent Alderney has to offer and put our little island on the UK’s theatrical map? We are asking you for any donation you might like to make. Ways you can help: Donate or ‘sponsor an actor’ by popping some cash in the buckets located at Anchors or The Georgian on Victoria Street or London House at Braye Cutting. Donate a prize for our raffle or silent auction to be held on July 3rd at the Georgian House after the performance of “A WAKE”. Make a donation to our account by BACS or by cheque: payable to Alderney Theatre Group and posted to Alderney Theatre Group c/o Ilona Soane-Sands, Vue des Isles, Le Petit Val , Alderney GY9 3UU if you can help with a sponsorship donation or voucher, please email info@alderneytheatregroup.com All sponsorships and contributions will be gratefully received and all sponsors will be acknowledged across our social media and our website (…. unless you wish to remain anonymous). Thank you so so much for your support and generosity.